

发布时间:Dec 5, 2023点击量:











2017.9 – 2020.9,中国科学院大学武汉岩土力学研究所,工程力学博士

2014.9 – 2017.5,合肥工业大学,岩土工程硕士

2010.9 – 2014.6,合肥工业大学,土木工程学士



2023.7 –至今,中国地质大学(武汉)特任教授

2020.11 – 2023.5,北京工业大学,城建学部,助理研究员







(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年项目, 12202024, 基于多尺度理论与机器学习的非饱和土石混合体水力耦合分析, 2023-01-01 2025-12-31, 在研, 主持(1/1)

(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 重点项目, 52130905, 土石混合体三维结构建模与高填方路基变形与破坏的数值流形法研究, 2022-01-01 2026-12-31, 在研, 参与(8/9)

(3) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 12072357, 土石混合体变形和破坏的三维连续-非连续分析方法及其试验验证, 2021-01-01 2024-12-31, 在研, 参与(5/10)




  1. Yang Yongtao, Wu Wenan*, Zheng Hong, Shanyong Wang, Liang Yang. An efficient monolithic multiscale numerical manifold model for fully coupled nonlinear saturated porous media Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2024; 418: 116479. 10.1016/j.cma.2023.116479

  2. Wu Wenan, Yang Yongtao*, Zheng Hong, Zhang Limei, Zhang Ning. Numerical manifold computational homogenization for hydro-dynamic analysis of discontinuous heterogeneous porous media. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2022; 388: 114254. 10.1016/j.cma.2021.114254

  3. Wu Wenan, Wan Tao, Yang Yongtao*, Zheng Hong. Three-dimensional numerical manifold formulation with continuous nodal gradients for dynamics of elasto-plastic porous media. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2022; 388: 114203. 10.1016/j.cma.2021.114203

  4. Wu Wenan, Yang Yongtao*, Zheng Hong. Hydro-mechanical simulation of saturated and semi-saturated porous soil-rock mixtures using the numerical manifold method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2020; 370:113238. 10.1016/j.cma.2020.113238

  5. Wu Wenan, Zheng Hong*, Yang Yongtao. Enriched three-field numerical manifold formulation for dynamics of fractured saturated porous media. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2019; 353: 217-252.

  6. Yang Yongtao, Wu Wenan*, Zheng Hong. An Uzawa-type augmented Lagrangian numerical manifold method for frictional discontinuities in rock masses. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 2021; 148: 104970.

  7. Yang Yongtao, Wenan Wu*, Hong Zheng. Investigation of slope stability based on strength-reduction-based numerical manifold method and generalized plastic strain. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 2023; 164: 105358.

  8. Wu Wenan, Yang Yongtao*, Shen Yinbin, Zheng Hong, Yuan Chi, Zhang Ning. Hydro-mechanical multiscale numerical manifold model of the three-dimensional heterogeneous poro-elasticity. Applied Mathematical Modelling 2022; 110: 779-818. 10.1016/j.apm.2022.06.014

  9. Wu Wenan, Yang Yongtao*, Zheng Hong. Enriched mixed numerical manifold formulation with continuous nodal gradients for dynamics of fractured poroelasticity. Applied Mathematical Modelling 2020; 86: 225-258.

  10. Yang Yongtao, Wu Wenan*. Assessing the Stability of Slopes Using Vector-Sum-Based Numerical Manifold Method and Pattern Search Algorithm. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 2022

  11. Yang Yongtao, Wu Wenan*, Xu Dongdong, Xia Yang, Yang Diansen. A Nodal-Based 3D Discontinuous Deformation Analysis Method with Contact Potential for Discrete Rock Block System. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 2023: 1-17.

  12. Wu Wenan, Yang Yongtao*, Zheng Hong, Wang Shuqing, Zhang Ning, Wang Yichen. Investigation of the effective hydro-mechanical properties of soil-rock mixtures using the multiscale numerical manifold model. Computers and Geotechnics 2023; 155: 105191. 10.1016/j.compgeo.2022.105191

  13. Wu Wenan, Zheng Hong*, Yang Yongtao. Numerical manifold method for dynamic consolidation of saturated porous media with three-field formulation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2019, 120(6): 768-802.

  14. Wu Wenan, Yang Yongtao*, Zheng Hong. A mixed three-node triangular element with continuous nodal stress for fully dynamic consolidation of porous media. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2020; 113: 232-258.

  15. Yang Yongtao, Chen Tao, Wu Wenan*, Zheng Hong. Modelling the stability of a soil-rock-mixture slope based on the digital image technology and strength reduction numerical manifold method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2021; 126: 45-54.

  16. Yang Yongtao, Wu Wenan*, Zhang Jianhai, Zheng Hong, Xu Dongdong. Determination of critical slip surface and safety factor of slope using the vector sum numerical manifold method and MAX-MIN ant colony optimization algorithm. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2021; 127: 64-74.

  17. Zhang Ning, Zheng Hong, Yang Liang, Wu Wenan*, Yuan Chi. A stable one-point quadrature rule for three-dimensional numerical manifold method. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences 2023.


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